Saturday, July 4, 2009

Regina: Vintage, So Adorable

Wow, it's taken me atleast 3 days to come up with a name for this blog. After hours upon hours of pondering and bugging my friends to death, I decided to go with Vintage, So Adorable thanks to my friend Tori. I'm really happy with this name because Mean Girls is one of my favorite movies, I can pretty much quote every line. Regina says this about a girls skirt and then calls it hideous but in my opinion it actually is adorable.
Well I figured I might as well explain the title so you won't think it's just an over used uncreative blog. Like i said 3 days and stressing, french or not french, and then most of the names I did come up with were already taken. But ya know, it happens and someone already beat me to it.
Today was an amazing shopping experience for me, and I regret not taking a picture of the outfit I threw together this morning. But I was definitely against taking snapshot in between or after the strenuous day of thrifting and vintage shopping. I brought along my friend Olivia, who I happen to share the same taste in style with, and we dug around and got sweaty looking for treasures. And boy did we find some. The most random ,yet amazing, thing she did find was a cute little clutch made from eel skin, we were dumbfounded! I found a few dresses, 2 coats, some shoes, and an adorable pair of lace up boots, belts, shirts, and accessories. Today was a success, even though when I came home I felt the need to wash away all the invisible dirt, grime, and sweat. Here's a few pictures from the expedition (: 'night<3

Olivia and Me (on our way home) My trunk filled with everything we bought (:

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